Friday, October 29, 2010

Raw Vegan Banana Choc Ice cream

Well I successfully fed my two gorgeous girl a fantastic dessert tonight. It was a nice treat for them as we are not a dessert family and we arent too into ice cream or cakes or anything at all.

So when mum pulled out this Banana Choc ice cream their eyes lit up!

This great dessert is fast simple and yummy. I made it straight after dinner and took me 2 minutes.

Banana Choc Mock Ice Cream

4 Frozen Bananas (skin off)
1/4 cup of rice/soy/almond milk
generous pinch of cinnamon

Place all in the blender.
Blend from low to high for 1 minute until it looks creamy and lovely

Put in bowls.
Grate your appropriate chocolate over it. Ours is
"Loving Earths" Raw organic chocolate.

The girls loved it!

Mummy needed a bit MORE to make it not a glorified banana mash so I added a little peanut butter to mine and YUMMY.

A fantastic alternative to commercial ice cream. It even melts a little bit. :)


Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 Green Mo tips

1. Make your Green Mo Smoothie first thing in the morning. I make about two litres. The smoothie is Best drunk as fresh as possible but I store any leftover in the fridge and sip it throughout the day. Find a great travel glass and take your smoothie on the road. Make sure there is a lid to prevent odd looks. In regards to the leftover fridge smoothie- Day old smoothie is better than NO green smoothie!

2. I want you to get all the nutritional goodness out of your smoothie so drink it on its own. If possible have no food a half an hour before and a half an hour after your smoothie episode. This allows you body to digest it without any interruption and you can suck up those nutrients faster.

3. I chew my smoothie, Yes weird but digestion begins in the mouth with the enzymes in your saliva starting off the digestion process in the mouth itself as well as triggering the stomach acid to prepare itself for food. SO many chemical processes begin with the simple act of chewing and it is important just in our normal meals as well. A tip I learned from a fantastic video from Running Raw, he said chew your smoothie until it is hot and sweet. I now try to apply that to all the food I am eating as well. And yes, I am one of those "chew your food" mums. How annoying.

4. Do not add starchy vegetables to your fruit smoothie. They do not combine well with the sugars in the fruit. There are some people that do, however I personally have found that my body rejects this food combination and upsets my stomach and produces gas. These veggies include Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, beets, carrots, egg plant, squash, okra, peas, corn, green beans, pumpkin, and others. These are great in ONLY green smoothies that are a bit more of a raw soup version that we will do in the future.

5. Always rotate your greens. I mentioned this yesterday in my post. From what I have researched. All greens contain alkaloids for survival of the species. Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds which mostly contain basic nitrogen atoms. A natural poison. If you use spinach or kale all week every week without any rotation the same type of alkaloids can accumulate in your body and cause unwanted poisoning symptoms. As well as rotating your Greens, you should also try to rotate your fruits, they do not contain these same alkaloids but more to enhance the flavour, change it up & follow the seasonal food cycle.

6. Don't use too many ingredients in your smoothies, 10 different fruits and 5 greens is just too many flavours and can be hard on your digestive system. Simple is often tastier and easier to digest.

7. Make your smoothies YUMMY. You want to enjoy them and you want to continue adding them to you daily or weekly schedule. You know what your body likes taste wise so use those fruits or greens that you like. This is your smoothie. Experiment and find out what YOU like

8. Make a record of your recipes that you try. Try to keep a journal of other foods that you are consuming as well as your energy and general feeling. I found that keeping a record really does show you the difference in how you feel weeks later.

9. You need a very strong blender for the best smoothies. I am very lucky that all mine are done in a Thermomix. Vitamix are also very good. If you don't have either of these commercial blenders can also do a good job. Get the toughest one possible! Get to know your blender. If you are worried or your smoothies are coming out all lumpy. Cut your fruit smaller and also do the tougher fruits first then add in other ingredients to try and take the pressure off the machine. Remember, A lumpy green Mo is better than NO green mo. Just remember the chew tip mentiond above. If you become a smoothie addict you should consider investing in a high powered machine. You will notice the difference to the taste but also the smoother it is the more smashed and ripped apart all the cells of the fruits and Greens and will make it easier to absorb all those SUPER DUPER minerals and nutrients.

10. Make smoothie drinking fun and include the whole family. Get your kids to help you make the smoothies, choose their favorite fruits and even choose a favorite smoothie cup! If they really do have an aversion to the colour to begin with invest from Kmart or any other stores a colored drink container with a lid to hide the colour of the drink within. We found some fantastic big smoothie glasses in Coles yesterday. Who wouldn't want to drink out of one of these! AND 2 dollars each.

Ill be discussing the best greens to add to your smoothie in the next few days! Enjoy, thanks for reading.


Go the Green MO!

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VIdeo Blogging. Here is me and thank you for watching. xoxox

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rascally Rabbit. A Green Mo in Disguise.

Anytime you add a strong colourful fruit like strawberries, blueberries, and rasberries the green mo becomes a nice... sludgy poo colour. Yes, it does. It is such a shame because these gorgeous fruits add such a great flavour to mix. As my two kiddies are seasoned green mo drinkers they have absolutely no aversion to the grey sludge I place in front of them as they seem to know that sometimes these are yummier than others. My little 2.5 yr old LOVES this one.

Rascally Rabbit

Fruit Base
half cup of rock melon
1 banana
handful of strawberries
half cup of watermelon
(1 ripe pear if you want it sweeter)

handful of stalks from baby carrot tops
4-5 leaves of baby beetroot tops
d handful of snow pea sprouts.

handful of ice
cup of water

Add the heavier fruits down the bottom then layer the greens and ice on top. Pour
in the water and blend to a liquid. Start low then work up to high. Mine is VERY high powered and I let it blend for about a minute and a half.

Taste test. The aim at the moment is for you to enjoy this drink. It will take a few weeks of smoothie drinking to adapt to the more GREENER mixes and we will work up to them. Please do not add sugar to the mix. If you want a sweeter smoothie please add another piece of sweet fruit.

I will be discussing cautions in Green Smoothie making soon. Just for now it is very important that you rotate your greens. Nature, in order to protect greens from extinction, placed in greens a little bit of poison, a minute amount of alkaloids to force the animals to rotate between plants for their own protection or the animal would consume ALL of it. Plants are amazing things. SO rotate your greens. You aren't supposed to have anything individually in excess and this includes greens. Its also more interesting and more fun to learn and play with the tastes.

Enjoy my Green Mos.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WHY a green mo??

Dietitians, Doctors, Nutritionists, Health coaches, Personal Coaches and Mothers around the world all say it. "Eat your greens" "Have more salad" blah blah blah. So do you? I'm sure you try. A few steamed broccoli florets here, throw a salad on the table there. Or maybe you really do try to eat your veggies. You have salad with your meat and pasta dishes. Lettuce, tomato, onion? You know, the usual. What about your kids? Do they cringe at the sight of broccoli. Do they pick up salad leaves and throw them at you? Mine did.

I want my one and two year old to get their greens, but it wasn't until I came across the Green Smoothie method that I really succeeded in doing that and in a BIG way! Now we drink our greens and I don't worry about it anymore. Thank God! I mean we don't even have good old Popeye around anymore to SLIGHTLY increase the chance that our kids might eat some spinach. On another note...WHY was Popeye's spinach in a CAN? Maybe that was an indication of the way we were heading and we should have seen the signs then!! Oh well, too late now. SO... some people believe that our diet should be around 50% Green Veggies. Now that is A LOT of veggies. Even vegetarians would struggle to eat that much salad during the day! We already don't have time to cook and we head to the takeouts, restaurants and pre-prepared foods sections to fill our tummies. Today we can even feed our babies out of a tin and then little glass jars from the minute they come out for years if we want to. This is devastating. I want to change this. I want to help you change this.
To start with we are going to green mo it. Its easy, its fun, its yummy and I know you are going to feel the difference. How do we start?

Drink your greens.

So what is a green smoothie? It is a blended fruit smoothie with added leafy green super veggies. That's all. For breakfast or an afternoon snack myself, my two and a half year old and one year old all dine on super nutrient rich plants with anti cancer,anti aging, super duper power properties all smashed and blended in a totally easy to absorb drink. I don't force it on them. They ask for it.These green smoothies contain the WHOLE fruit, I throw mine in just cut in half, skin, pips and all. Then top it with the leaves. With the Green Smoothie you are having the COMPLETE food. Because you are getting the fibre the fruit sugars are absorbed more slowly so you don't get that blood sugar rush you get from juicing. Green foods as a group are the most nutrient rich foods on the planet. They are low calorie, low sugar, and low fat, while at the same time super high in minerals, vitamins, and the natural elements you body needs to run smoothly, without disease. And BEST OF ALL when done right, green smoothies are sweet and yummy and your kids will ASK for them. How perfect is that?

I want to show you how to incorporate the Green Smoothies into your day. Also more raw foods, super foods, and wholefood cooking as well. We have easy access to all these FANTASTIC SUPER POWERED foods, but we don't know about them, or don't know what to do with them so I want to help you do this.

Why do you NEED to do this? Why do you need to Grow a Green MO?

Because YOU are in the position NOW to change the path of your children's health. Right NOW with the next meal that you serve them you can decide~Is it going to -fight disease, provide super nutrients and give them the energy to grow mentally and physically as well as the best chance of being healthy & informed about how food affects our health and prevents as well as fights disease?

Is it processed, full of additives, preservatives, colours, toxins, genetically modified, had the nutrients cooked out of it, high salt, high sugar,totally refined flours? Meat containing antibiotics, hormones and GE feed? I don't mean to shock you. This is just the food we get from the supermarket. Its scary and we don't know about it.

You are your
child's best teacher. You can get to them before anyone else can.
They cant choose their food now, you do. So it IS ALL ON YOUR SHOULDERS.
I don't want my kids to turn around in ten years and say "mum, how could you feed me that stuff?" So we have made a change and I want to help others do the same.

Why do I want to share all this with you? Because I am sick and tired of people being misinformed by the Health (sick) system, TV, Big Business, Government and Fast Food chains. I am no one special. I am a mum of two that wanted to be informed. I am not a doctor, nurse, nutritionist. I am studying nutrition NOW however all my knowledge so far is just from FINDING it and WANTING IT. I am passionate about children's health and preventative medicine through the use of food and want to share it with everyone. With all that I have learnt over the last 4 years in my own research I am astonished, shocked and sometimes angry. "Why doesn't everyone know about this?". This is a common thought that I have...

So Blog by blog I hope to share all the stuff that you wish you knew before it was too late to go back. The Standard American Diet that we have at the moment is just that. It is SAD. It is so far off track that it is embarrassing to our supposed intelligence.

So come with me on the Green Mo ride.
Posts to come will cover a range of topics.

The Best Greens

How to combine correctly
Green smoothie guidelines
Blender recommendations
How to Introduce the Mo to Children
Green Smoothie Heros
Nutrient Profiles
Raw food

Then after we are established in the ways of the Green Mo, we will explore through video and recipes some superfoods, wild foods, and raw foods to also save your life.

To get you started grab your blender (it must be as powerful as possible and be able to crush ice at least) The stronger the better so If you are serious about this lifestyle change I would get something that can do the job right. You need to blend to a liquid. However chunky mos are better than no mo. :)

Have a go at this yummy creamy introduction smoothie just as a start.

Green Monkey Milk
3 ripe bananas
2 ripe pears,
Handful of Ice
Yogurt - 2/3 Table spoons -optional
2 tablespoons of honey/agave syrup
2 cups of baby spinach leaves.
1/2 cup of water or nut milk

Place cut pear in the blender. Followed by ice, bananas, yoghurt, sweetener and then spinach & water.You can use rice milk or a nut milk as well, however I prefer to use water.
Blend to a liquid. Add more liquid if you want a runnier smoothie.

Pour into a large glass and drink away.

Go the Green MO